Our Nursery

Explore our fantastic nursery rooms

We have 4 designated rooms for children, which are organised according to the children’s age and stage of development. Visit us or call us for more details.

About Us

Belfield Montessori Day Nursery offers care for children aged 3 months to 5 years. Our nursery rooms provide a safe, secure, fun and stimulating environment for your child. Each of our rooms offers well-equipped areas and age-appropriate activities to create an enjoyable and exciting learning experience. 

Arts and crafts, home-corners, quiet areas, sand, and messy play and construction areas are just some of the fun activities available. We follow a Termly topic throughout the nursery as well as monthly topics for each room, which are based on the children's interests. We plan activities based on each topic as well as outings, and visitors/parents are invited to come in and share their knowledge with the children. We recognise that every child is an individual and we plan daily activities according to their personal ability.

 Ruby Room

Our Ruby Room is spacious, bright and safe room for babies aged 3 months - 2 years. We provide a happy and warm environment with lots of cuddles and attention. All equipment is based on the children's level giving them the freedom and independence to explore their environment. In the Ruby Room we are able to follow the routine that your baby is used to at home, allowing them to sleep and have bottles when needed. As your baby grows, we find the babies’ routines synchronise, enabling them to eat together, have sleeps and quiet times together, then play and socialise together. There is a designated sleep area within the Ruby Room as well as sensory area, construction area, book corner, messy play area and nappy changing facilities. 

There is a maximum of twelve babies in this room with four members of staff, allowing a 1:3 ratio of staff:children. Each parent receives daily update on Tapestry (online journal)  which documents sleep times, food consumption, nappy changes and activities your child has enjoyed throughout the day.

 Gold  Room

Gold room is  for children aged 22 months -2.5 years. We provide an exciting and stimulating environment with lots of age appropriate equipment and resources. In both rooms, all children follow the same routine, enabling them to eat together, have sleeps and quiet times together,  play and socialize to further support their development and learning. We extend our activities to foster their independence skills. These activities help promote the children's fine motor skills, hand-eye-coordination, communication, language and social skills and preferences. We provide a rich and varied learning environment that supports children’s learning and development. All activities are planned around the children’s interests and development needs. Within this room the planned activities and experiences are a balance of carefully planned adult led activities and child-initiated learning experiences. 

Staff encourage children's independence by  pouring their own drinks, serving their own food at mealtimes, and helping with dressing and wiping their own face and hands.  There is a maximum of nine toddlers in each room with two members of staff, allowing a 1:4/5 ratio of staff:children. Each parent receives a daily update on Tapestry (online journal) which documents sleep times, nappy changes, food consumption and activities your child has enjoyed throughout day.

 Silver Room

Silver room is  for children aged 2.5-3.5 years. We provide an exciting and stimulating environment with lots of age appropriate equipment and resources. In both rooms, all children follow the same routine, enabling them to eat together, have sleeps and quiet times together, then play and socialise together to further support their development and learning. We extend our activities to foster their independence skills. These activities will help promote the children's fine motor skills, hand-eye-coordination, communication, language and social skills and preferences. We provide a rich and varied learning environment that supports children’s learning and development. All activities are planned around the children’s interests and development needs. Within this room the planned activities and experiences are a balance of carefully planned adult led activities and child-initiated learning experiences. 

 Sapphire Room

Our Sapphire Room is spacious, challenging and stimulating room for children aged 3-5 years. There is a maximum of twenty four children per session with three members of staff, allowing a 1:8 ratio of staff:children. Each day parents receive a daily update on Tapestry (online journal) which provides you with information about your child's activities, food consumption and sleep times.

We strive to make the Pre-school room a fun, safe and comfortable environment for your child, providing rich learning experiences through play. By the age of 3 most children are able to play for extended periods of time and are usually ready to be introduced to more structured activities. 

Activities offered are planned to help children prepare for school such as self-registration, numbers,  phonics, learning about the world, developing children's language, building on their strength and weaknesses. 

Customer testimonial
"It feels like entering a home, friendly and welcoming environment." - By Parent

To find out more about our nursery rooms, visit us in Barnet or call us on 020 8440 8822
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